More recent and detailed KK4GV station info can be found at QRZ.COM.
KB3POM Beacon Monitor - This program uses your computer's clock to display the NCDXF Beacons on a world map. You tune your receiver to hear them and determine propagation.
The Shack
The QSL cards on the wall are exchanged by hams as proof of two-way radio contact with various states and countries. The framed awards represent contacts with 50 states and 100 countries.
The 2012 new improved station.
A three element tri-band Yagi antenna for use on the 10, 15, and 20 meter bands.
Many hams enjoy mobile operation. This Jeep Cherokee is equiped with VHF/UHF and HF (shortwave) radios for local and worldwide contacts. Also shown is a police/fire scanner and the ubiquitous cell phone.
Getting it all into a Jeep Wrangler is a bit more of a challenge. The HF radio is under the driver's seat. Only the control head is mounted in reach of the driver. Extension speakers are mounted for both radios so they can be heard above the Jeep's tire noise.
This brand new $329 Kenwood Tri-band handheld radio was left on the roof of a Jeep and fell off into a busy highway. Oops.